Upcoming Meetings

Current Meetings

Everyone is welcome at the next Parish Council meeting which is on Monday 24th June at 7.30pm at Blackshawhead Methodists Church.  Meetings are usually the 4th Monday of the month at Blackshawhead Methodists Church, but please note that July’s meeting will unusually be on the 3rd Monday – 15th.  All are open to press and public.
Agenda Parish Council meeting 24 June

Future Meetings

Parish Council Meetings: –  March 25th, April 22nd
Allotment Committee – 18 March 2024 Hebden Bridge Town Hall
Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Parish Council Meeting
20 May 2024

Previous Agendas

Agenda Parish Council meeting 22 April
Agenda Annual Parish Meeting 20th May
Agenda Annual Parish Council meeting 20th May


Agenda Parish Council meeting 25th March
Agenda Parish Council meeting 26th February
Agenda Parish Council meeting 22nd January
Agenda Parish Council meeting 27th November
Agenda Parish Council meeting 23rd October
Agenda Parish Council meeting 25th September
Agenda Parish Council meeting 24th July
Agenda Parish Council meeting 26th June
Agenda Annual Parish Council meeting 22nd May
Agenda Parish Council meeting 24th April


Agenda Parish Council meeting 27th March
Agenda Parish Council meeting 27th February
Agenda Parish Council meeting 23rd January
Agenda Parish Council meeting 9th January – extra
Agenda Parish Council meeting 28th November
Agenda Parish Council meeting 24th October
Agenda Parish Council meeting 26th September
Agenda Parish Council meeting June
Agenda Annual Parish Meeting 23rd May
Agenda Annual Parish Council meeting 23rd May
Agenda Parish Council extra meeting May 12th 
Agenda Parish Council meeting 25th April


Agenda Parish Council meeting 28th March
Agenda Parish Council meeting 28th March
Agenda Parish Council meeting 28th February
Agenda Parish Council meeting 24th January
Agenda Parish Council meeting 22nd November

Agenda Parish Council meeting 25th October
Agenda Parish Council meeting 27th September
Agenda Parish Council meeting 23rd August
Agenda Parish Council meeting 26th July
Agenda Parish Council meeting 28th June
Agenda Annual Parish Council meeting 17th May
Agenda Annual Parish Meeting 24th May
Agenda April 26th 2021


Agenda March 22nd 2021
Agenda Feb 22nd 2021
Agenda Jan 25th 2021
Agenda Dec 21st 2020
Agenda Nov 23 2020
Agenda Oct 26 2020
Agenda Sept 28 2020
Agenda August 24th 2020
Agenda July 27th 2020
Agenda June 22nd 2020
Notice of Annual Parish Council Meeting 2020
Agenda April 27th 2020

Agenda March 23rd 2020
Agenda Feb 24th 2020
Agenda Jan 27th 2020
Agenda Dec 23 2019
Agenda Nov 25 2019
Agenda Oct 28 2019
Agenda Sept 23 2019
Agenda July 22 2019
Agenda June 24 2019
Notice of Annual Parish Meeting 2019
Notice of Annual Parish Council Meeting 2019
Agenda April 15 2019


Notice of parish council meeting 25th March 2019
Notice of parish council meeting 25th February
Notice of parish council meeting 28th January
Notice of parish council meeting 20th December
Notice of parish council meeting 26th November
Notice of parish council meeting 22nd October
Notice of parish council meeting 24 Sept
Notice of parish council meeting 10 Sept
Notice of parish council meeting July 23rd
Notice of parish council meeting June 25
Notice of Annual Parish Meeting 2018: and Notice of Annual Parish Council Meeting 21 May
Notice of parish council meeting April 23
Notice of parish council meeting March 26
Notice of parish council meeting February 26

Notice of parish council meeting January 22
Agenda for informal parish council meeting jan 8th 2018
Notice of parish council meeting November 27th

Notice of parish council meeting October 23rd
Notice of parish council meeting September 25th
Notice of parish council meeting September 4th
Notice of parish council meeting July.
Notice of Village Envelope meeting and special meeting 12/6/17
Notice of parish council meeting April 17

Notice of parish council meeting March 17
Notice of parish council meeting Feb 17
Notice of parish council meeting Jan 17.
Agenda of parish council meeting August 16

Agenda of Parish Council meeting June 16
Annual Parish Meeting May 16
Annual Parish Council Meeting May 2016
Notice of parish council meeting 25 4 16

Notice of parish council meeting 21 3 16
Notice of parish council meeting 22 2 16
Notice of parish council meeting 25 1 16
Notice of parish council meeting 14 12 15
Notice of parish council meeting 23 11 15
Notice of Parish Council Meeting 26 10 15
Notice of parish council meeting 28 9 15
Notice of Parish Council meeting 24th August 2015
Notice of parish
council meeting 27 7 15
Notice of Annual Parish Meeting May 18 2015
Notice of Annual Parish Council Meeting 18.5.15
Agenda of Parish Council meeting 27.4.15