Community Groups

There are a variety of community groups in the Parish.  Many are identified by acronyms.  The ‘B’ usually stands for Blackshaw, the rest is anyone’s guess.  The groups are summarised here.  Some also have dedicated pages on that are linked to below.

Blackshaw Environmental Action Team (BEAT)

BEATBlackshaw Environmental Action Team (BEAT) was formed in 1998 as a result of a successful local campaign against off road motorcycle racing on Dukes Cut. The campaign was launched to stop environmental damage and hundreds of local people signed a petition and sent letters of objection.

Blackshaw Fete Committee

Fete (1) - 5 Sep 09 (600 x 450)

Blackshaw Fete:  The last fete was in 2019, there will not be a fete in 2020 due to COVID19 restrictions.

Blackshaw Food Network

Has evolved into Great Rock Co-op

Blackshaw Gaming Club

Gaming club

Indoor games (Games Workshop and other board or miniature games)at the Chapel on alternate Fridays (18:00)

Blackshaw Head Arts and Crafts Group

craftHeaderMeet Wednesday lunchtimes at the Chapel (11:30 – 1:30).

All aspects of craftwork from watercolours to knitting.

Why not call in and see what’s on offer, you are sure of a warm welcome.

Blackshaw Optimistic Gardeners

bogsHeader‘Gardeners with Altitude’. The idea for a gardening club originated in the previous Parish Plan in 2002 and BOGS started in January 2007.

We are a very mixed group ranging from those brand new to gardening to others with years of experience under their belt. The emphasis is on sharing – ideas, seeds and plants, knowledge, successes and failures, and the odd glass of wine or beer!!

Blackshawhead TABS group

(pre school,toddlers and babies)
Meet  upstairs at  the  chapel every Wednesday in term time between 9.30 and 11.30 starting this Wednesday 7th September  toys, activities, snack, singing, and a chance to chat over refreshments

Blackshaw Watch Group

The group is open to all, and everyone is welcome, we usually meet once a month on the 2nd Tuesday at 7:00pm for about an hour in the New Delight and occasionally down at the Council Offices with local Police Officers.

We chat about recent activity,trends and preventative measures.

Volunteers maintain NW signage and the notice board next to the bus stop.

Blackshaw Virtual Christmas Card


This is not a group that meets face to face but each year we run a village virtual Christmas card to send greetings around the parish

Book club

Meets at the New Delight on the 1st Wednesday of the month at 19:45.  Bring 2 books that you have read to talk about

Charlestown Allotments

Allotments down in the valley and out of the worst of the wind



Shed is the local history group for the Blackshaw area and was formed in 2003. It is very informal and relies on research and convivial conversation between members, rather than formal meetings with speakers.

Each year we focus on a different topic of historical interest, with the aim of producing a display of research, photographs and artefacts illustrating that topic for the annual Blackshaw Head Fete. Occasionally we hold other events of local interest in the Chapel.