Blackshaw Parish Council Emergency Plan
Blackshaw Parish Community Award
The 2024 award was given to Finn Jensen who was nominated by Roger Munday. In the nomination, Roger said:
To comply with the General Data Protection Regulations, which came into force on 25th May 2018, Blackshaw Parish Council has published a Privacy Notice, which you can access here
About Blackshaw Parish Council
Blackshaw Parish Council was created in 1894 out of the much larger and ancient Stansfield Township as part of a major national re-organisation of local administration.
The Parish Council has seven Councillors, who are elected every four years. For a list of current councillors, click here. The Council normally meets in Blackshaw Head Methodist Church although meetings could be held in the nearby Hebden Bridge Town Hall, as part of an agreement with Calderdale Council dating back to 1974. Meetings are held on the fourth Monday of the month except in May and December.
Meetings discuss such things as local planning applications, issues with roads and footpaths, reports from other meetings in the Calderdale area, and often have invited speakers. In recent months we have had speakers from Calderdale Council on the potential of CCTV in Blackshawhead, from BT and Superfast West Yorkshire on fibre broadband, and Yorkshire Water on the steps taken to resolve issues with water mains stoppages.
The Parish Council owns and manages the allotments site in Charlestown (for which there is an allotments committee), and the area of land around Great Rock.
The council also produces a newsletter once a year, plays a role in events such as the annual fete, pays for and helps manage this website, and keeps residents updated on local issues using the googlegroups email list.
The May meeting is also the Annual Parish Council Meeting when the Chair for the year has to be elected. According to statute the Chair is still known as “Chairman”. The May meeting is normally held on the second Monday of May because Parish Council elections are normally the first Thursday in May after which the Council is legally required to meet within ten days.
The May meeting is preceded by the Annual Parish Meeting to which members of the public are invited. All meetings of the Parish Council are open to the Press, members of the public and at the discretion of the Chair everyone is allowed to speak – though it is preferable to notify the Clerk or Chairman at the beginning of the meeting if you do wish to speak. Meetings are publicised on the two official notice boards (at Underbank in Charlestown and on the road beneath the Methodist Chapel in Blackshawhead) on this website and via email to the Blackshaw Googlegroup.
You can read/download a variety of older documents in the PARISH COUNCIL ARCHIVE AREA