The Blackshaw News Page

2nd June 2015

The bridleway and girl guides groups have been removed from the site.  The book club has been added as a group

9th February 2015

We have been informed that the under 11s play group no longer meets.  References to this group have been removed.  If you believe that the group is still running or if you run a similar organisation in the Blackshaw area please contact us via the Blackshaw Head Google group

25th January 2015

After a lapse we are getting the site updated regularly.  Some of the older pages may be sidelined.  Do not panic if something seems to have gone.  We have a full backup and will restore anything that we moved then found to be still relevant.  On the other hand we are looking to remove some content that is neither correct nor relevant.

2nd February 2012

If you would like to read the fascinating story behind the resurfacing of Chapel Lane, you can read/download it HERE.