Draft minutes of the meeting of Blackshaw Parish Council held on Monday 15th December 2014 at Blackshawhead Methodist Church
,Present: Cllr. Mick Davies (in the Chair), Cllr. Steve Hoyle, Cllr. Sutcliffe, Cllr Chris Lund, Cllr. Tim Cole, Cllr. Carol King, five members of the public, and invited speaker from CMBC regarding CCTV.
In attendance: Catherine Bann (new Clerk)
Apologies: Cllr Pat Beechill
- Declarations of interest – None.
- Minutes of the Parish Council meeting 24th November 2014 – Agreed as correct record and signed by Chairman.
- Matters Arising from PC meeting 24th November 2014 –
- Yorkshire Water – leaflets arrived
- Hampers been bought from May’s – 9 including Cllr Sutcliffe
- Old Clerk has been following up all the actions from previous meetings. Suggest as things come up to go on agenda.
- Chair still trying to speak to allotment neighbour about fence
- Cllr Sutcliffe to continue to try to speak to Marsh Lane residents
- Re the Water Act, and following process to extend the water main – to be left as agenda item.
- Wind Turbine workshop – get date in diary for June/July and Finn agreeable to this.
- Presentation on CCTV by Peter Woodhouse from CMBC CCTV Coordinator. Mr Wood house previously worked as police officer, helping set up neighbourhood watch schemes. Calderdale now have CCTV brand new monitoring facility, and 66 cameras plus those in the council buildings. CCTV cameras often used for weather monitoring – community safety, partnership with emergency services, traffic flow – not just for catching criminals. Difference between ordinary public space CCTV, and ANPR cameras owned by police, which within seconds track wanted vehicles.
Discussion around the value of ANPR in Blackshawhead – police could review data after crime committed. Roger Butterworth of Neighbourhood Watch presented proposal for CCTV in Blackshawhead and reported on 4 instances of powerline thefts and thefts of other expensive equipment and cars. Problem with putting the CCTV cameras in BH would be finance. Cameras are on BT cable which has to be paid for. PW would do survey at no cost. Cllr Cole asked if there any other similar rural locations that have used a CCTV or ANPR system successfully. PW to provide this info, speak with other CCTV managers and the police. CCTV would be able to see a number plate, and also see people, but can only zoom in on an individual at the time of being monitored. Police can access CCTV after the event for crime detection purposes.
- BPC – meeting management.
Councillors wished to prevent meetings over running. It was agreed that in future, if public want to speak, they must notify clerk in advance of the meeting starting. If they wish to speak on an agenda item they may do so just before that item. If they wish to speak on an item not on the agenda, they may do so at the start of the meeting, but for it to be discussed further they must ask for it to be included on the next meeting’s agenda. Members of the public may speak for 3 minutes. Needs to be distinct gap between public contribution and debate between councillors. Guillotine on meetings at 9.30, subject to agreement. Planning applications to be looked at in advance by Councillors.
- To receive brief update on the Neighbourhood Plan. Neighbourhood Plan grouphave reached conclusion that they cannot proceed faster than Calderdale’s Local Plan, which will drift on for a couple more years. The Neighbourhood Plans cannot contradict the Local Plan. Some discussion around this, as concerns expressed that this is in direct contradiction to what was previously stated about work on the NP. Previously it had been felt that the NP should be created, and then it can influence LP. We want to get started on this, and Calderdale’s LP is dragging on. Agreed to continue to to develop our NP alongside the LP. So not holding back and waiting, but keep moving forward on it while simultaneously engaging with LP. This gives us weight, and we definitely need to engage with decisions around local development. Neighbourhood Plan group is starting to liaise with Calderdale Local Plan to get the best for our area and agreed to continue working within this process.
- Planning related matters –
- Information on previous applications
14/40013/AGRR – Agricultural Building, Greenland Farm – Prior Approval Granted
14/01204/HSE Naze Cottage – Approved
- Update from Ann Markwell, Enforcement Team Leader – None
- To consider new planning applications (these can be viewed via Calderdale Council website using the reference number shown): NONE
- Highways Bridleways and Footpaths –
- Jumble Hole update – Chimney now gone- need update on bridleway reinstatement
- Mytholm Steeps Update – Accident recently, head on crash on blind corner. No injuries, police not called, car coming down accepted liability for going too fast. This has been logged on website. Donna Goodman waiting to hear from Kat, and presume that another meeting hasn’t yet happened with school – need to wait to find out how the school will progress that. Chair had brief conversation with resident at Mytholm Meadows. Two residents have been complaining about the danger on that bit of road. Definitely the potential of having a public meeting on the issue at Mytholm Meadows. Jonathan Timbers definitely would officially involve HR Council.
- Steps at Mytholm Steeps. Clerk has received reply from Hannah Dobson, Neighbourhood manager at HR Council, to say that this is not registered public right of way, and maintenance is probably in private hands, but will look into what could be done
- Footpath diversion – Blackshaw 38 at Green Barn. Unanimously agreed to object on the basis of the historical nature of the path – historical route. The path has huge landscape value due to far reaching views, and in May, the avenue of trees are beautiful. Well trodden, well used, highly valued path by parishioners. Part of the character of the path concerns the stone pillars and Councillors would want them to remain in situ.
- Land Bridge at Colden – was noted in 2012 that it was unsafe. Inspector was sufficiently concerned and contacted other parties to confirm his observations. But paperwork lost. Very important access for farms etc up there. Now going to be a meeting on Sunday 11th January at Land Farm to discuss it. Could they confirm what they are doing about it – CMBC. Clerk to write to Highways at CMBC and find out what is going on with this, whether it is private road.
- Financial Matters: .
- The budget left for 2014/15 was £2880.48 the balance of accounts was £8474.52p which reconciled to the cashbook and it was agreed to transfer £1150 from reserve to current account.
- Budgeting for the elections 2015 – The estimate of £1588 from CMBC was BPC’s contribution to election in May if a local parish election was necessary. This is less than originally budgeted but it was agreed to roll this over to become a permanent election reserve. Clerk to double check this is okay in terms of building up reserves.
- Budget calculations for 15/16. The draft budget calculations were agreed with the following amendments: to increase the training and travelling budget by £50 each in view of potential new councillors after May, and to reduce the insurance budget by £100 in line with previous year.
- It was unanimously agreed to set up internet banking according to BPC financial regulations.
- Agreed to pay the Chairman his annual allowance – £200
- Agreed to pay membership renewal of Society of Local Council Clerks – £77
- Agreed to pay May’s shop £252 for 9 hampers
- Agreed to pay Viking stationers for printer ink and paper – £70.75.
- Agreed to buy title deeds for the Allotments lease.
- To confirm payment of the Old Clerk’s monthly salary.
- To confirm payment of New Clerk’s monthly salary.
- Representative reports and invitations
10 December Flood Recovery Board meeting. Cllr Davies attended. Minor works along Calder gained approval -will be starting to happen soon. Big works have different funding stream – not likely to happen anytime soon. Problems with branding on Calderdale flood site – Cllr Davies persuaded Calderdale not to be fussy with branding but to go with whatever community agreed. Also ensured that CMCB agreed to buy 4 years web support rather than 3. They want to see website become a community asset. It appears that some sort of permanent community body will emerge out of flood board at the end of the DEFRA funding. Hit all targets for houses being surveyed and action taken. Only one case of reduced insurance premium, so efforts in this direction have failed.
19th December – Carol Service at Methodist Church, 7pm, all welcome. Cllr Cole will be the reader.
14th December – Christingle Service Cllr Sutcliffe reported that it was well attended
25th December – Service on Christmas morning, 10am
Neighbourhood Planning meetings: Monday 12th January 2015, Monday 16th February 2015,
Monday 30th March 2015
Dates of future meetings:-
Parish Council Meetings: – 15 December, 26 January 2015, 23 February, 23 March, 27 April at Blackshaw Head Methodist Church.
WayaHead meetings – 16 February 2015, Council Chamber, Hebden Bridge Town Hall .
Allotment Committee – 16 March 2015, Council Chamber Hebden Bridge Town Hall.
Annual Parish Meeting and Annual Parish Council Meeting – TBC May 2015 at Hebden Bridge Town Hall.
YLCA would like to hold their AGM here at Blackshawhead Methodist Chapel on the 10th June. Approximately 20 people. In principle that would be good.
Cllr Sutcliffe to book with the Chapel, Clerk to then write to YLCA to confirm this.
Hebden Bridge flood group report for next agenda.